Green Transmission and Electric Vehicles

The Essex Partnership managed internal and external communications for NU’s Green Team during the development of the “Northern Solutions” initiative and the concept for a high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission project with Hydro-Quebec.

Cargill Falls Hydroelectric Project

April 7, 2010 by admin

The Essex Partnership conducted feasibility and licensing studies for a proposed 1 – 2 MW hydroelectric development on the Quinebaug River in northeastern Connecticut.

In 2008 Essex performed a reconnaissance level condition assessment on several existing generation facilities in northern New England. The study also included preliminary assessment of options for adding capacity and transmission support (through upgrades or new development) at several strategic locations.

The Essex Partnership assisted a subgroup of the Rhode Island Habitat Restoration Team with discussions regarding development of a statewide habitat restoration strategy.

The Essex Partnership performed a Condition Assessment of existing equipment and Upgrade Feasibility Study at New England’s largest pump storage hydro project.

  • About The Essex Partnership

    Tule Marsh

    Strategic energy and environmental planning.

    Working with diverse stakeholders in collaborative environments to forge lasting agreements.

    The Essex Partnership focuses on helping decision makers capitalize on emerging opportunities while maintaining high standards of environmental stewardship and social responsibility.